Sunday, June 6, 2010

La Pavoni EPG-8 Europiccola 8-Cup Lever Style Espresso Machine, Brass

La Pavoni EPG-8 Europiccola 8-Cup Lever Style Espresso Machine, Brass

True baristas "pull" an espresso with a lever instead of punching a button and relying on an automatic pump's whims. With this machine, you force water through the coffee yourself, using the lever to precisely control speed. That means full flavor and the thick cap of cream marking a perfect drink. Burnished brass and outfitted with polished-wood handles and steam-control knob, this machine looks 19th century but operates with 21st-century reliability.

A steam wand heats milk for hot chocolate and creates foam for cappuccinos, lattes, and other coffee drinks, while an alternate wand with frothing attachment automatically produces heaps of foam directly into cups. The water tank holds 20 ounces, enough to make eight cups before the tank (accessible under the machine's removable dome) needs refilling and the water needs to be heated again. (The heating element's rating is 1000 watts maximum, 800 watts minimum.) A glass tube permits water-level monitoring, while a thermostat triggering a green light signals when water reaches the correct crema-producing temperature. An internal fuse, which can be reset in the base, prevents overheating.

Pulling an espresso the old-fashioned way is enormously gratifying, and a video accompanying the machine teaches anyone the skills needed to become a true barista. This machine will contribute nobility to your kitchen and boost your ranking among friends. --Fred Brack

Editor's note: This item may arrive with water inside from the manufacturer's pressure test. This is a normal occurrence and doesn't point to a problem with the machine.

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